Cedar Hedge Farm
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Spring 2025: Our little delivery van.

Get your vegetables direct from a farm. Why would you want your produce sitting in a transport truck or warehouse for days or weeks, handled by who knows, when you can know the farmer and people picking your food and in most cases it's picked the day before delivery.

News & Events

If you would like to know what's happening on the farm, follow our blog Seed And Seasons or check out our facebook page

This year one of my focuses will be on the farm gate a little stand where you can stop by an pick up some of the produce we grow. The goal is to be open almost everyday of the week. If I’m around great, if not we hope to have a simple honour system.

Volunteers - Farming is hard work but it's rewarding work - at the end of every day you know you've accomplished something. It teaches patience, something that I struggle with on some days and something that our society needs. So if you want to try your hand at farming we can always use a hand. The greenhouse will start up mid March and then we hope to go until mid December for the year.
Drop us an e-mail at chris@cedarhedgefarm.caand we can get you started.
By the way during the season the there’s work 7 days a week (well I work 7 days a week) so if you want to volunteer we can probably make it work with your schedule.

Farm Events are sometimes about get something done, ie. planting or harvesting, but they are also about fun and just coming together. Annualy we had 4 specific events:
Planting Day - When we put in the tomatoes and cucumbers and a few other things. Once the work is done we have lunch and some refreshments and then we can take a walk around the farm and discussed the plans for the year.

Weeding Day - Basically a day of weeding, thinning and a little harvest and occasional goose hearding. Then in the afternoon we come together for simple dinner.

Kite Day - As a kid one of the things our family did was fly kites, so I thought that might be fun. A few people ventured out each year for lunch and try to get colourful kites into the air. This year I hope to make a few paper kites but we’ll see.

Harvest Day - It's the end or nearing the end of the season so it's time to get those vegetables like the tomatoes, squash and others off the vine before a significant frost. Then, as always, we shared a meal and talked about the past season and started looking forward to the next

This year we hope to continue these days and possibly add a couple more. For me the farm was a place of people with open minds coming together to share experiences, ideas and good meals.



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