Cedar Hedge Farm
About Us : News & Events : Self-Directed Box Program (CSA) : Delivery Locations : Farm Updates : Contact Us : Links

Spring 2025: Our little delivery van.

Get your vegetables direct from a farm. Why would you want your produce sitting in a transport truck or warehouse for days or weeks, handled by who knows, when you can know the farmer and people picking your food and in most cases it's picked the day before delivery.


Welcome to Cedar Hedge Farm 

A small farm located on HWY 28 (Country Road 28) in Northumberland County.
The focus of the farm is to work with nature and the land to produce healthy food that is connected to the land it grows on. 

Member of the bug control team

As stewards of the land it's our responsibility to make sure not only the food but also the land is healthy. By using natural fertilizers, botanicals and companion planting as well as fostering an environment for predatory birds and bugs, we have no need for commercial, man-made chemicals.

A farm is a community of people, animals, bugs and plants that supports and is supported by the greater community around it. 

Sunshine Watering System

Unfortunately with climat change we are facing major changes in our weather. We are seeing a higher frequency of drought. So in 2021 as much as I hated asking for help, that’s what we had to do. With grenous support we were able to make it work.

To find out more about our Go Fund Me click here

Self-directed Box program CSA

There are a few spaces available in our 2022 Self-directed Box program CSA for the upcoming season. We provide only what we produce, so you know the farm and the farmer. Download Brochure

Learn More about the Self-directed Box program.

Volunteers - Farming is hard work but it's rewarding work - if you would like to give it a try we can always use a hand.

Drop us an e-mail at chris@cedarhedgefarm.ca and we can get you started.





About Us - The Farm - The People : News & Events : Self-Directed Box Program (CSA) - Sign-up - FAQ : Stuff : Contact Us : Links